Marco Witzmann, co-founder and CEO Valispace

Marco Witzmann is co-founder and CEO of Valispace, a European provider of browser-based software that enables engineers to collaboratively design better satellites, rockets and other complex hardware products.

Marco Witzmann was born in Lima (Peru) and later grew up in Germany, where he studied Space Technology and Computer Science at the TU Munich and finished his master’s degree in 2013.

Marco was German Debating Champion as well as European Semi-Finalist and he attended the 18 month Manage&More entrepreneurship program of UnternehmerTUM.

After his studies, he worked for 3.5 years at OHB System as an Avionics Satellite Systems Engineer for Meteosat Third Generation (MTG).

Because he got the feeling that thousands of inconsistent documents and spreadsheets were not the best tool to build complex systems such as satellites, he decided to develop a collaborative engineering software.

Together with his two co-founders Louise Lindblad and Simon Vanden Bussche, Marco founded Valispace in 2014. Since then, companies such as Airbus, BMW, Planet Labs, Momentus and others have become their customers.